Content Management

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions

Content Management @ Intellisys Australia

Digital Learning is easy

Aim: Instant accessibility, quick knowledge distribution.

Approach: More flexible and e-learning

Medium: Mobile phones and tablets

Content and Design: Easy navigation, concise micro-lessons, pictures, videos and question banks

Duration: 3 to 10 minutes

User Access: Accessed anywhere , anytime

Digital Content available on Android and iOS Apps OFFICE ESSENTIALS
  • Administrative Office Procedures
  • Archiving and Records Management
  • Budgets And Financial Reports
  • Call Center Training
  • Coaching And Mentoring
  • Communication Strategies
  • Contract Management
  • Crisis Management
  • Customer Support
  • Motivating Your Sales Team
  • Presentation Skills
  • Risk Assessment and Management
  • Safety In The Workplace
  • Universal Safety Practices
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Lean Process And Six Sigma
  • Managing Personal Finances
  • Cyber Security
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Internet Marketing Fundamentals
  • mLearning Essentials
  • The Cloud and Business
  • Media And Public Relations
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media In The Workplace

% Participants would complete their training if it was on a mobile platform

% participants believe that mobile platform would enhance their learning

% participants praise the convinience and time management benefits

% participants say less time was taken in trainin with no loss of comprehension